Thursday, February 11, 2016

SLO1: Let Us Begin!

Our professor has introduced us to a database ( that has been compiled for the last 20 years. It has been a joint contribution amongst universities around the globe. In this immense database you are able to locate over 35,000 vessels that have sailed legally in the Atlantic Slave Trade. They have gathered that over 12 million slaves landed in the new world, that is only the number that landed. Upwards of 25 million have been affected by the slave trade.  I have not yet accessed this database and only have seen glimpses during class lecture. This week we have been unleashed to start navigating the database ourselves and start naming those names that have taken part. Since the slave trade lasted 352 years and over 35,000 ships have been documented, my search is going to be narrowed down to the years surrounding the American Revolution (1773-1793). In my search I am hopeful to discover how the effects of the Slave trade have influenced the world we live in today. But first things first I must learn to navigate this database and start to unveil the names that were directly tied to the sale of human beings.

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