Thursday, February 18, 2016

SLO 1: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database

Today, I began the dive into the database. I was able to pull out some info of Great Britain ships that participated in the Atlantic Slave trade during the years 1773-1793. First off less crunch a few numbers, on record there was 35,938 vessels that took part in the distribution of humans. This was over the course of 352 years, when slavery was legal. During the 20 year span and the time period of the American Revolution, 5,345 vessels transported slaves across the Atlantic. Though, of those 5,345 vessels Great Britain took part in 2,263 of them. That means that more than half of the ships that sailed the Atlantic Slave Trade during that time were from Britain.

Okay, now it’s time to start naming those names.

Starting with departure date of 1774 the vessel Meanwell owned by Thomas Lake, Richard Lake Jr., William E. Lake, and James Colley. The captains were James Eackley Colley and John Richard. This vessel set out from Liverpool England and purchased 171 slaves in St. Vincent. 1775 it landed in St. Kitts disembarking 151 slaves (-20).

Also during 1774 the vessel Traffick set out of England. The captain was Thomas Blower. 352 slaves were purchased in Windland Coast and 288 were disembarked into the Danish West Indies (-64). After disembarking there was a ship wreck by natural hazards.

In the year of 1775 captain Bourden guided the vessel Hope to Anomabu and purchased 116 slaves and disembarked in St. Kitts with 100 slaves (-16).

During the year of 1776 a vessel called Venus who was owned by Harrison* and captained by Jeremiah Smith departed London, purchased 359 slaves in Calabar. Then continued their journey and when landing in 1777 at their destination of Dominica and St. Kitts they disembarked 328 slaves (-31).

The vessel the Fly departed from New Castle Upon Tyne in 1776. The captains were Hamilton Wood and Thomas Newman. They stopped and purchased 119 slaves in Saint-Louis. When they disembarked in Florida they had 93 slaves (-16)

The following year 1777 a vessel known as the Adventure owned by Thompson C. and captained by John Muir set out from England and picked up 370 slaves from two locations Senegambia and Gold Coast.  In 1778, when they reached there landing point in Tobago they disembarked 341 (-29).

A vessel named Defiance was captained by Woodward and departed London in 1777. They purchased 335 slaves in Africa and took them Martinique when they disembarked in 1778 with 300 slaves. After disembarking the slaves the ship was captured by pirates (-35).


"The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database." Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database. Emory 
           University, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2016."

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